Sunday, October 5, 2008


Waiting... watching what happens and waiting for God to see where he will bring me. I'm starting life as a doula. I have my first 4 clients now under the title of "doula" and am excited and nervous to see where this takes me. A doula is a woman who supports other women in childbearing. I am a birth doula (in training). So, under my care, women who choose to hire me shall recieve informational, physical, christian based spiritual (if desired), and emotional support from me as they journey through their pregnancies. All of my support skills are especially meant to be drawn upon continuously throughout labor, birth, and the early post-partum period.

I have been compelled towards all things birth since childhood. Pregnant bellies have always been a beautiful and intriguing thing. Such a secret time is pregnancy. A tiny person taking shape from within. The intrigue doesn't end there. The female body was created so lavishly to nourish. To support life within and without. On the day of birth, a (sometimes) pulsating cord is cut, making into separate and interdependant beings a mother and her child forever... and yet the nourishing continues. So very much strength and provision has been given to women. Indeed, we possess much as we are able to cut loose the cord which fed, but then draw our babies to our chests and continue the nourishing on yet another level. Pulling close... so close, the being who is now tied to you for life. Perhaps that cord cutting is not a symbol of independance so much as a physical reminder of the spiritual idea that our lives... no matter what the circumstances, are tied forevermore. Even if mother and child shall part ways after that severing of cord from placenta, from uterine home, from abdomen, underneath the very heart of her... there must remain some secret internal connection to the one who contained and continuously fed you for so long. Perhaps the severing of the cord and the (almost) instant need for nourishment directly from another person, serves to remind us that as we graduate from level to level of dependancy and interdependancy all through life, we will always surely recieve another; different, form of sustenance.
photograph by joeannenah


christine said...

WOW---such a profound thought held in every word of this...touched me to my inner core...
this is is great!!! yippeee!!! I am proud of you!! You go girl!!!!
love you your first follower!

Marty said...

Awesome! Am so proud of you. To be a doula is such a blessed responsibility... you have such a tender heart... these women will be blessed for sure. I look forward to your sharing the stories.
Love you!